1 Month Until Commencement
I’ve written this blog in my head so many times that I thought okay Adriana it’s time to type it out.
Tulips I picked for myself at Trader Joe’s the other day
It’s officially one month until Commencement and I walk the stage having earned my Master’s Degree (in Arts & Culture Management from the University of Denver ;). How do I feel? A mixture of excitement, anxiety, disbelief, relief, and gratitude. I think the most significant feeling that overtakes all the others is the odd feeling of disbelief.
I just keep thinking to myself, “is it really time? I already finished? Is all my hard work finally coming to fruition?” I know I’ve said before that I feel like I’ve been in grad school forever, and knowing that makes for such a strange feeling when the end is well within reach. It almost doesn’t feel real.
And then there’s the other end of the spectrum, where I am incredibly anxious and afraid. After this, what comes next? Where do I go from here? I feel slightly pressured to make certain moves after I graduate, but I try to stop and ask myself, is this what I want to do, or what I think others want me to do? Lots of unpacking to do in the suitcase of graduate reading and capstone drafting.
I wanted to write this out to document where my headspace is at and how I’m feeling right before Commencement.; writing this out helps me make more sense of my own feelings. Hopefully, this can provide some clarity as to where I’ve been lately as well.
Simply put, I’ve been spending lots of my time
Until next time, friends!